The PCAP Athlete Ambassador Program

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Project developed the Athlete Ambassador program to give prostate cancer survivors a way to “pay if forward” by helping other men understand that one-in-six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and that it is crucial to detect prostate cancer early, while it still is treatable.

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Prostate cancer survivors who want to become PCAP Athlete Ambassadors simply need to email the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project – AthleteAmbassador @ – to apply.

When you’re selected, the PCAP equips you with a very cool cycling jersey and information about ProstateTracker, the PCAP’s free Internet prostate cancer early warning system.

Then, all you do is participate in your normal events and talk to people about the importance of early detection. Easy, right?

And know that because one out of every six of men you talk with will have prostate cancer, you’ll be saving lives every time you go out. Now how cool is that?

PCAP's First Inline Skating Ambassador. Thanks Rick!

PCAP’s First Inline Skating Ambassador. Thanks Rick!


I’m in! Send me information about becoming a PCAP Athlete Ambassador.

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