Couples Conquering Cancer™. Together!
Nothing beats teamwork. We’ve all learned that the hard way. Many of you learned about teamwork, like I did, during military service. Others learned the benefits of teams during sports activities, or maybe at the office. Regardless of how we learned, we know that nothing beats good teamwork.


Now it’s time to bring teamwork to the task of beating the most common male and female cancers – prostate cancer and breast cancer. Together, more than 450,000 men and women are diagnosed each year with prostate cancer and breast cancer, and more than 70,000 die from these diseases. All because they discovered their cancers too late for effective treatment.

It’s Time for Some Conquering Cancer Teamwork!
In January of 2014, the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project (PCAP) launched our Couples Conquering Cancer™ program focused on the early detection and treatment of these two cancers. Our PCAP athlete ambassadors are out riding every day, spreading the word about the importance of early detection, and how easy it is to do.

How Does it Work?
In 2012, we created ProstateTracker, a free Internet tool that provides men an easy way to measure their prostate cancer risk. Men take an annual PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test and record the test value in ProstateTracker. ProstateTracker sends an email reminder 11 months later that it’s time for the next PSA test. When that second PSA test result is entered, ProstateTracker connects the dots with a line that shows if the PSA value has increased from the previous year.

A rising PSA number from one year to the next should be checked with a doctor or medical services provider. A rising PSA number doesn’t mean you have prostate cancer, but it is something that you need to explore with your doctor. ProstateTracker makes a man’s prostate cancer risk visible. If you can see it; you can treat it.

OK. Prostate Cancer is Covered, But What About Breast Cancer? Where’s the Teamwork?
Breast cancer is more complex and doesn’t have a simple blood test like the prostate cancer PSA (prostate specific antigen) test. The American Cancer Society recommends that women have an annual  mammogram beginning at age 40, a Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) every three years for women in their 20’s and 30’s, and an annual CBE beginning at 40. There are other tests if a problem is suspected.

But, the common critical factor in successfully beating both breast and prostate cancer is early detection, and that’s where the teamwork comes into play.


We guys are always a bit reluctant to talk about medical issues and we hate going to doctors. So we need you ladies to “encourage” us to take that PSA test and personally track our PSA blood test results in ProstateTracker. [Hint: ProstateTracker is anonymous, so you ladies could create an account yourself and track your guy’s PSA number for him.]

When ProstateTracker sends the email that it’s time for his annual PSA test, each partner needs to encourage the other to take their test – the PSA test for him and mammogram for her. Schedule the appointments and do it on the same day. Be each other’s health accountability coach.

Couples working together at a team. It’s that easy.

What’s Your Next Step?
For you guys, simply click on the Big Reg Button below, activate your free ProstateTracker account, and enter all of the PSA test values you have. If you don’t know them personally, call your doctor’s office and they will be happy to provide them to you.

Once you have a least two PSA blood test values entered, ProstateTracker will draw a line showing your PSA trend. If the line is rising, you need to talk with your doctor and find out why.

If you are 35 or older and haven’t had a PSA blood test yet, today is a great time to get started. It’s never too early to detect prostate cancer or breast cancer.

Let’s do it for our children!
Put a reminder on your calendar to take your next PSA or mammogram 12 months from your last test. When you create your ProstateTracker account, ProstateTracker will send a reminder email 11 months after you enter your most recent PSA test. Call your doctor and make your appointments when you receive the reminder email. Easy!

Let’s follow Nike’s advice and Just Do It. Today!

Activate Your Account

Activate Your Account










