Ale Gianna sends a Father's Day Message to her Dad

What a 6-Year Old Can Teach Men About Prostate Cancer

Ale Gianna's Message to Her Dad on Father's Day 6-year old Ale Gianna is a remarkable young person. I met her and her father in Phoenix earlier this spring on a  Prostate Cancer Awareness Project mission to participate in a prostate cancer motorcycle ride hosted by Shelley Martin - Scottsdale Harley-Davidson - as part of Arizona Bik


PCAP Bicycle Group Trip

Bicycling Pictures

Check Out Our Cycling Programs. The Alpine Loop Gran Fondo: Climb the hills of Virginia and West Virginia with mountain biking pro Jeremiah Bishop. The Around the World Cycling Challenge: Earn a coveted PCAP Around the World Cycling Challenge jersey for riding 24,901.6 miles. It's easy; just one pedal stroke at a time. Our Cycli


Robert’s PSA Chart

Prostate cancer is treatable if detected early.  The best current test is the PSA test. ProstateTracker helps allows you to see the rise in PSA values that indicate prostate cancer is present.  This image shows an actual prostate cancer survivor's PSA history recreated in ProstateTracker.  You can create your personal ProstateTrack


PCAP State Proclamations for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

State Proclamations

Beginning on March 17, 2012, over 160 Prostate Cancer Pony Express relay riders rode over 25,000 miles, crossing the US four times and ending in Washington, DC on September 9, 2011, to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Our riders visited the state capitols of 49 of our 50 states, asking these governors to officially name Septemb


2012 Pony Express

The annual PCAP Prostate Cancer Pony Express is our major motorcycle rally for prostate cancer awareness. We are partnered with the Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) for this event. Our goal is to use our Pony Express riders to bring attention to free screening sites in each state and to raise funds to support PCEC screenin


Prostate Tracker More than 32,000 men die every year from prostate cancer; many of them simply because they don't know they have the disease in time for effective treatment. PROSTATETRACKER is a free Internet service that lets men see any change in their PSA test from one year to the next, and automatically reminds them when their n


Women’s Corner

Prostate cancer isn't just a man's disease. Prostate cancer affects the entire family. Ladies play an extraordinarily important role in family wellbeing, and prostate cancer presents them with special challenges.

Millions of women already have walked the prostate cancer path and have learned how to help manage prostate cancer and its relationship issues.

Click on the 'Read Below' link to find valuable resources that will help your family.

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Get Involved

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Project has many opportunities for support and engagement. We are building a nationwide series of bicycling events; we run the annual Prostate Cancer Pony Express motorcycle relay ride; and 2013 will see our first annual 'Blue Canary' film festival.

Click on 'Read More' below to visit our Programs page and learn how you can help us reduce the annual 30,000-man prostate cancer death toll.

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Partner with PCAP

Our bicycling and motorcycle events reach millions of men and women every year, and our new "Blue Canaries" film festival will reach millions more.

Our ProstateTracker early detection system provides a unique and critical tool for men and their families to find their prostate cancer early when it is still treatable.

A man dies from prostate cancer in the US every 24 minutes. Every day. All year long. Partner with us and help reduce this unnecessary death tool. Just click on the link below to see how you can join the PCAP team.

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Cars for Prostate Cancer

Our car donation program is the lifeblood of our program funding. It supports our free prostate cancer early warning tool, ProstateTracker. We accept all vehicle and boat donations.

Just click the link above to learn how your donation helps us prevent prostate cancer and how we ensure you receive the highest possible deduction for your donated vehicle or boat.

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Prostate Tracker Launch

ProstateTracker Account Sign Up Now Open!

The Cost of Prostate Cancer in the U.S.


Press Releases


Prostate Cancer Pony Express