Prostate cancer is treatable if detected early. The best current test is the PSA test. ProstateTracker helps allows you to see the rise in PSA values that indicate prostate cancer is present. This image shows an actual prostate cancer survivor’s PSA history recreated in ProstateTracker. You can create your personal ProstateTracker account at Your account is free and completely anonymous. ProstateTracker is a free public service provided by the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project and supported by people like you.
July 18, 2012
Oh Pamela. I’m sorry to hear this, and especially with how far away you are from your famliy. I hope you get some good news, soon. And in the meantime, hiccups are nice.
September 28, 2012
I dont know what stage 3 is.. BUT I had prostate caecnr in 2005 and was given a harmone shot called lupron to start with .. One lupron shot will put the caecnr on hold for about 4 months.. and if his caecnr isnt real bad there is a possibility that it can keep him alive 8-10 years The shots cost about $1,200.00 to $1,500.00 each.. dont know if this will work for you.. If he is near California .. he might call Loma Linda University Medical Center..Proton Radiation Department.. They treat lots of prostate caecnr there and it is a Seven Day Adventist Hospital.. I have no idea if they would help him if he explained his situation.. all I know is that they are some of the nicest people I have ever met.. wish I could help more..