The Prostate Cancer Pony Express is criss-crossing the US this year raising awareness for prostate cancer.
A wonderful group of relay riders are carrying our dispatch bag with our memorial journal from state capitol-to-state capitol, connecting with men and urging state governments to join with us in prostate cancer awareness.
One of our early events took place in Hammond, Louisiana, at Hammond Harley-Davidson. You can see the pictures on our Facebook PAGE HERE.
That event may just have saved three men’s lives
“Also FYI, we did a prostate screening at the dealership the morning that Dick was with us, we performed @ 20 PSA tests and from that number there was 3 abnormal results presented with two of those being scheduled for surgery, all three where asymptomatic surprised with the lab results and are now eternally grateful for possibly having saved their lives. This all, because of you, your organization and the efforts to inform the masses.”
Why men need to screen for prostate cancer
– Prostate cancer generally doesn’t have symptoms until it is at an advanced stage
– Early detection is critical
How to know if your prostate cancer risk is rising
– Create a free account at
– Enter the results of your annual PSA test each year
– will send you a reminder when you next test is due
– Your ProstateTracker account will show you if your prostate cancer risk is rising
What’s your next step?
– Create your free prostate cancer early warning systems at