Just Get 6!

Is a new program that gives prostate cancer survivors a way to help men with as yet undetected prostate cancer find their prostate cancer while it is still treatable.


Current prostate cancer survivors can help by simply getting 6 men to use PCAP’s new ProstateTracker tool.

3 Easy Steps to Early Detection
Prostate cancer is highly treatable if you catch it early. Catching early it simply means ‘early detection.’

Early detection takes just three simple steps . . .

  1. Take an annual PSA blood test beginning at age 35
  2. Record the test results and look for any increase from the previous year, for example 1.0 to 1.5
  3. If there’s an increase, see your doctor right away. That’s it. It’s that easy!

Take Your PSA Test!
The PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test has been available since the early 1990’s and is widely credited with a significant reduction in the annual prostate cancer death toll.

If you are uncomfortable with the physical part of the prostate exam, just have a Free PSA test along with the basic PSA blood test.

Track Your PSA Like You Track Your Favorite Team’s Record
You can track your PSA history on the Internet using our free prostate cancer early detection tool, ProstateTracker. It’s anonymous and free to all men. All guys (or their significant others) need to do is to activate a free account, input their annual PSA test result, and ProstateTracker visually shows any rise in values, which is an early warning signal.

Guys, Let’s Use ProstateTracker!
There are 240,000 new cases of prostate cancer every year in the US, and almost 30,000 men die each year from prostate cancer. These 30,000 men don’t need to die. They just need to find their prostate cancer early.

What You Can Do Right Now . . . 

  1. Activate your ProstateTracker account by clicking this link or the big red button below and enter your PSA numbers
  2. Tell six of your friends the prostate cancer statistics
  3. Encourage them to activate their free ProstateTracker accounts
  4. Challenge them to join the “Just Get 6!” movement

Warm regards,

Robert Hess
Prostate Cancer Survivor
Class of 2003

Ready. Set. Go!

red register now button
