Tools for Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
Becoming a prostate cancer survivor and living with the disease is an emotional and physical challenge. This page and the attached sub-pages present tips and techniques used by prostate cancer survivors who have preceded you to cope with their challenges.
If you have a tip, please post it to the blog or send us an email and we will post it for you.
The Best Handbook for the Newly Diagnosed
I know from personal experience the emotional shock that hits you when your doctor utters those words, “you’ve got prostate cancer.” It seems like your life if ending right then and there.
Your life doesn’t end there, but it most certain changes direction and intensity. If you are like me, your first thought is to begin researching everything to can about prostate cancer, all the while not telling any of your friends about your cancer.
Based on what I know now after 13 years as a prostate cancer survivor, I recommend that your first step be to read “Prostate Cancer Breakthrough: New Tests, New Treatments, Better Options, by Jay S. Choen, M.D.
No matter what you have experienced in your life, a cancer diagnosis comes as a shock and it’s extremely difficult to get your head around what you have just been told. It’s very likely that you will be offered a course of treatment almost immediately. But you almost always have time to make an informed decision.
There literally are thousands of sources of information on the Internet about prostate cancer. Much of it is technical medical information that is difficult to understand. Dr. Cohen uses his own prostate cancer journey as the vehicle for walking you through all of the currently available treatment options and provides a very logical treatment decision process.
Just click on the image below to order your copy. If you are in a significant relationship, I suggest you order a second copy for your wife or significant other. Then, compare your notes, because your treatment decision affects your entire family.
If this was helpful, please consider making a small donation to help us keep our ProstateTracker early detection system operating.
Warm regards,

Robert Warren Hess
Prostate cancer survivor
Prostate Cancer Survivor
Class of 2003