5oo Cycling Ride for Prostate Cancer Awareness
By Robert Warren Hess
5th Anniversary of the Alpine Loop Gran Fond for Prostate Cancer Awareness
September 20th was another beautiful day in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The weather for early packet pickup on Saturday was flawless – mid-80s, a crystal blue sky, and warm late summer sunshine washing over the city and the patio at the Ice House in Harrisonburg, overlooking the registration center.
The weather forecasters were teasing about the possibility of rain, but Sunday morning dawned breezy and clear, and stayed that way until the mid-afternoon when the sun warmed up the festival area at the finish line.
It was another great riding day. We had almost 500 riders doing the 5 various routes and rider reports were all great. By the end of the day, more than 30 riders had earned King and Queen of the Mountain jerseys, to lots of applause from the participants.
Everyone had a great time but, more importantly, we educated another group of men about the important of prostate cancer testing and early detection. If those 430 mean implement our #justGet6 program, we will reach several thousand men about prostate cancer.
Our thanks to Kati Caler and the team from WHSV TV in Harrisonburg for covering the event and supporting our prostate cancer awareness mission.
The MAN Formula for Beating Prostate Cancer . . .
Prostate cancer takes the life of an American man every 19 minutes. But that doesn’t need to happen. There’s a simple three-step system for beating prostate cancer . . .
M – Measure, which means taking an easy PSA blood test. A rising ‘PSA’ number could mean prostate cancer
A – Take the PSA blood annually and record the number in your records or at our free ProstateCancerTracker tool
N – Start testing at age 35 and establish your baseline. If you’ve been waiting, do it Now!
That’s the simple system: MAN. As easy as one, two, three!
Just click the button below to active your free, anonymous prostate cancer early warning account . . .
PS: Learn more about the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo and join us next year! We have a KOM or QOM champion jersey waiting for you!!