As some of you may know, I had a training accident last July in the velodrome in Los Angeles training for the World Master’s Track Championship held in October 2015 in Manchester, England.
That little training accident left my with multiple pelvic fractures, a chipped bone in my shoulder, a few cracked ribs, and a bunged up elbow.
I was on crutches for three months and I’m finally back on the bike, but 8 pounds heavier!! And out of shape.
I run consulting firm so I spend a lot of time at my computer and with clients, so what can I do?
Well, I read this really great article by Melissa Tarver in the Guardian that’s just what I need. The biggest tip was how to do squats in the office using my chair. As you can see from the picture, I can do my squats while clearing email. [I’m a sprinter, btw, and squats are critical for power.]
You can read the full article at Office Workouts. Thanks to James Drew Turner for the pictures.
By the way, I ride for prostate cancer awareness. If you like riding, click the link below to join me in my second lap around the world.