I have a Family History of Cancer Risk If you follow this blog, you know that I am just a few weeks short of being a 10-year prostate cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in December 2002, shortly after I learned that my older sister was going into surgery for pancreatic cancer. Looking at my family history revealed that both my father and mother, lifelong smokers, died of lung cancer and lung cancer-related disease. Reduce your Risk with ProstateTracker I was lucky that my prostate cancer was detected early when is was very treatable. I’m just about to hit my 10-year survival anniversary and I owe those years to an accidental discovery of my prostate cancer. But 30,000 men every year aren’t that lucky and die of prostate cancer. We all give back to society in some fashion and my giveback is the creation of ProstateTracker; a simple tool that provides men with prostate cancer a way of detecting it as its earliest stages when it is treatable. ProstateTracker is free and anonymous. Men (or their significant others) create an account, enter the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test data and ProstateTracker plots the values and shows if these is a rise, […]
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