I recently received an email from a colleague asking me about the Mac Air I purchased last year. I zipped an email off to him and I thought I would share my comments with anyone that might be interested. I had never used anything but a PC until about six years ago when my business partner convinced me to trade my Sony laptop for a MacBook Pro. I did and I must say that I’ve been very happy since then, although Macs do get that spinning wheel of death just like PCs. But, the question on the table is about my MacAir – which I love. But first, here’s my entire package . . I live in California but spend a fair amount of time working in Virginia where my family and grandchildren live. Since I’m a consultant, I can work from anywhere, so I would throw my 5 pound Macbook Pro into my briefcase and hit the road. But, no more! A month ago, my old Macbook Pro hit retirement age (5.8 years) and I replaced it with with a 21.5″ iMac for work in the office. I love it! I use with another 21″ external monitor, so I […]
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